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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

About MAFA

General Information
Magoodhoo Association For All (MAFA) is non-government, non-profit organization that has been lawfully registered here in the island nation of the Republic of Maldives. It was founded in January 2005. Mainly MAFA works for the socio-economic development of youth, women, disable people and community. MAFA also runs programs and projects in the areas of environment, employment, education and health care.
The organization works closely with the island community, government agencies and other NGOs. MAFA has three types of membership, Individual members and Institutional members and temporarily members. Any association wants works with MAFA to fulfill the objectives are given membership.

Executive committee is elected by members of the organization. Male and female participate in the executive committee. Executive committee meets at least once a month to discuss the socio-economic development issues, social issues, gender issues and environmental issues etc.

Our organization is based on Noonu Magoodhoo itself and our primary beneficiaries are community of Noonu Magoodhoo.

Mission and Vision

Promote Maldivian Language, Literature, Tradition and Culture.

Promote Education in the Island of Noonu Magoodhoo

Empower enlighten youth in development and advancement

Stimulate friendship, understanding, relationships and togetherness among the community.

Promote and organize sports and conduct sport activities and entertainment programs.

Develop health services, support health programs and maintain an immune society.

Work towards social and economic development and advancement.

Sustain Environment.

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